Members vote to abolish Ofsted

Ofsted causes more harm than good and we need urgent and fundamental reform.


Commenting after the passing of motion 9 at NEU Annual Conference, Daniel Kebede, General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:

“NEU members have made their feelings very clear: Ofsted causes more harm than good and we need urgent and fundamental reform. The profession can be trusted to do their jobs effectively without a punitive, high-stakes system to keep them in line.

“An inspection system should not cause teachers and other school staff sleepless nights, anxiety, and an urge to leave the profession. Workload and stress are hugely increased while a school is in the ‘inspection window’ and many school leaders feel the need to prepare with ‘mocksteads’ and practice deep-dives. A collaborative model of inspection, schools working with an external school improvement partner, would support leaders to make decisions in the best interests of their pupils and increase capacity for genuine school improvement.

“Whilst the NEU continues to campaign on a national level for a new system which is supportive, effective and fair, it is vital that our members are protected from the harmful impact of Ofsted on the ground. Our new Ofsted risk assessment form offers members a means of organising their workplace to ensure the health and wellbeing of members is both prioritised and protected – before, during and after an inspection. In the meantime, we urge NEU members to cease work as Ofsted inspectors and not to display their school’s judgements on banners and other publicity materials.”

Editor’s Note

Ofsted risk assessment guide

Risk assessment guide to help employers, in consultation with the recognised trade unions, assess the extent of harm that may be caused by the Ofsted process and take practical steps to minimise these risks.

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