

Commenting after the passing of motion 34 at NEU Annual Conference, Daniel Kebede, General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:

“Every woman’s experience of the menopause is different but mistreatment and a lack of understanding is forcing valuable experienced teachers and support staff out of their jobs. 

“Menopause - including premature menopause, early menopause and conditions such as endometriosis - are occupational health and safety issues. We want to see dignity, privacy and respect in the workplace for staff who are experiencing menopause. Our members should not be penalised for sickness absence where working arrangements have not been adjusted to accommodate their needs. 

“Menopausal staff should be given appropriate flexibility, support, and adjustments – according to their needs - to remove or reduce disadvantages and allow them to work successfully. Employers should undertake a work environment assessment to make sure that the physical environment is not making symptoms worse.

“We need to break the silence on menopause as well as issues such as endometriosis and to boost understanding around the support that women experiencing menopausal symptoms should reasonably expect to avoid disadvantage in work.”

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