Primary children arts and crafts

Early Years Foundation Stage profile

The revised early learning goals of the EYFSP narrow the curriculum and undermine the role of early years in education.

The EYFSP is a statutory assessment completed at the end of the early years foundation stage. It assesses children on the 17 early learning goals (ELGs).

The Early Learning Goals and Educational Programmes of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework have been rewritten, and have faced strong criticism from the sector. Practitioners have critiqued the reforms for narrowing the curriculum and viewing early years as preparation for school, rather than a distinct area of education in its own right.

For those working in EYFS, Birth to Five Matters gives alternative practical guidance on implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, written by the sector, for the sector.

Small child doing homework with a pencil

Primary and early years assessment

There is now more primary and early years assessment than ever. English children are among the most tested in the world.

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